Volunteers are Needed!
Now is your chance to help Harvard College shape the next generation of graduates.
Volunteer to be a state admission interviewer.
Despite a huge increase in applications to Harvard College from Wisconsin in recent years, our club members continue to interview most applicants. Approximately 80 Harvard College alums are involved in this effort, but in all geographic areas, and especially the less urban ones, we need additional interviewers. Alumni interviews are a crucial part of the admissions process for the College and are also a wonderful way to connect with and encourage bright young students to consider Harvard.
For most of us, it is a delight to meet and chat with some of the best and brightest high school seniors in the state. The mechanics are not difficult. In November through about mid-January, you will receive an assignment by email. You have until early February to complete the interview. You submit a report using an online form from the Harvard Admissions Office website. This form will have all the information you need to complete the interview.
Interviewers will receive the name and contact information for the student they will meet. Then, the interviewer and student find a mutually convenient time to talk, about 45 min total. Due to COVID, all interviews will be done via Zoom until further notice. Typically, interviewers have some standard questions they use to prompt the student to talk about their interests and activities. After the interview, the interviewer summarizes their impressions of the candidate using an online interview report template, usually a few short paragraphs.
I urge you to GET INVOLVED! If you are interested, please email the Harvard Club of WI at harvardclubwi@gmail.com
This is important work and a great opportunity to become involved with the Club.
Vaishali Bakshi
Chair, Schools & Scholarships Committee
Harvard Club of Wisconsin